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Let us handle your
so you can
on your practice.


Analyzing Data

Know you’re doing things the “right” way?


Have access to an accounting team who is specialized in working with private practice owners? 


Feel certain that you are taking all the deductions you are eligible for?


Have a trusted accountant you could reach out to when you have questions? 


Work with a team that understands Profit First, so you don’t have to explain it?


Have access to licensed tax professionals at the end of the year? 


Learn more about the business side of your practice, to make you an even better practice owner? 


Having the headspace to build the thriving solo practice you've envisioned by finally getting things off your plate.

Spending less time worrying about money, because you know you have solid numbers and industry experts standing behind you. 

​Learning about the financial side of your practice along the way.

The peace of mind you'd have, knowing your accounting and bookkeeping is being handled by knowledgeable accountants who specialize in working with private practice owners.





It’s a Catch-22.

You feel like you can’t afford to work with an accountant, but you also can’t afford not to. We know that solo practice owners are often on a tight budget. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get access to a team that truly understands your practice. The reality is, you’ll be better off financially by seeing another client or two instead of using that precious time DIY’ing your bookkeeping. 

Practices of all sizes need to track their finances in order to build a sustainable, profitable practice.

You deserve to have access to an accounting team that is specialized and that understands your business. It’s not just bookkeeping you’ll gain - your financials are a roadmap for private practice success. 


We know you have options.

But working with the cheapest bookkeeper out there won’t help you grow your practice the way our specialized team will. We have thoughtfully developed this bookkeeping package with solo practice owners in mind. We’re including everything you need and want, without the hefty price tag! 






  • Tells you how your practice is doing (financially at least!)

  • Ensures you don't miss out on tax deductions

  • Helps you see trends or catch errors quickly

  • Needed at year-end to do your taxes

  • Required to grow your practice or scale to a group practice

  • Useful for various life events like buying a home, refinancing your mortgage, getting a line of credit and much more. 


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  • Setup of your QuickBooks Online account

  • Catch up of your bookkeeping from the beginning of the year

  • Monthly Bookkeeping (up to 5 bank accounts and 1 credit card) Additional accounts +$10/month

  • Email support from our team of private practice accounting experts

  • 24/7 access to your reports in QuickBooks Online

  • Quarterly report package prepared by our team

  • Monthly live Q&As to answer questions specific to your practice

  • Quarterly workshops on financial topics to increase your knowledge and skills as a business owner

  • Estimated tax mid-year calculation based on your practice income (federal and home state only)

  • Access to our Tax Preparation Services (additional fees apply)

  • Frequently Asked Questions




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Just starting out? You need accurate financial reports too! 

Start your practice on the right foot by tracking income and expenses, and get access to industry experts for guidance.

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Maybe you've been in practice for quite some time, and you're finally ready to get the bookkeeping off your plate.

Whether you'd like to keep your practice to "just you" or have aspirations to grow a group practice someday, the Solo Bookkeeping package will support you in this phase of your practice. 



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If you're a group practice owner with 1 or more clinicians, interns or contractors, the Solo Bookkeeping package is not for you. 

The needs, challenges and financial hurdles of a group practice are much more involved and require a high level of support.

Schedule a free consultation to find out more about our offerings for group practice owners. 

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Therapy Closeup


You want a profitable, sustainable practice.

You're ready to turn over the bookkeeping burden to someone else so you can get some precious time back.

You want to understand where your practice stands financially, but you need support with the grunt work.

You want an easy, straightforward system to help you stay on top of your finances and be tax ready at year end.

​You want industry experts in your corner who understand the ins and outs of mental health.

You are using (or would like to use) the Profit First system and don't want to have to explain it all to an accountant who is unfamiliar with it. 




If you want to take your financial situation from bleak to bright, GreenOak is the best choice!



The stress and time saved by outsourcing the everyday money-related tasks has been well worth it. GreenOak Accounting has been awesome!

Taking Notes


They are patient and helpful and explain things in a way that anyone can understand.

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I'm an accountant, and the owner of GreenOak Accounting, a firm that exclusively serves therapists in private practice. I'm also the host of the Therapy For Your Money podcast and author of the Profit First for Therapists book.

I'm a mom of 3 kids and 3 dogs who loves reading. I usually have at least 2 books in progress at a time, both business books and novels. 

I love supporting practice owners as they grow their business and profit, and gain confidence in their finances. 


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My team and I have built a reputation for helping group practice owners SCALE their practice effectively. We've helped hundreds of practice owners grow from a few hundred thousand in annual revenue to a few million! (Cue the confetti!)

And while we've worked with lots of solo practice owners too, I realized that the robust services we offered to group practices were often more than what solo practices needed... and sometimes more than their budget allowed. 

My team and I went to work re-imagining how we could serve solo practice owners in a way that supported them well and was also affordable…how we could still offer access to the tips and tricks my team has learned, in a platform tailored to the specific needs of solo practices. 

At GreenOak Accounting, we are on a mission for every practice to be profitable, and we are passionate about teaching practice owners the financial skills they need to be successful. 
I want to help solo practices have access to solid financial data so they can thrive, not just survive. And now, with our Solo Bookkeeping Package, we will do just that!



Step 1: Sign up and schedule your 30 minute kick-off call

During the call we'll connect your business bank accounts and credit cards to QuickBooks, and get "view only" access to the information we need to complete your bookkeeping. 


Step 2: We'll setup your bookkeeping system

We'll set up your QuickBooks* account in a way that makes sense for private practice owners. 
We'll also catch up your bookkeeping from January 1 of the current year. 

*Already have a QuickBooks Online account? For this service package we will require a new QuickBooks Online account (we'll even pass on our wholesale discount!). Once you download the reports from your previous account you'll be able to cancel the subscription.


Step 3: We do your bookkeeping

We'll do your bookkeeping monthly, so you always have access to current reports in QuickBooks Online. 
Since we exclusively work with therapists in private practice we know what most bank transactions are, but if we have questions we'll reach out to you!


Step 4: Grow your financial skills

Our quarterly workshops are designed to empower solo practice owners with knowledge to navigate their practice finances. We'll dive into various financial topics like budgeting, KPIs, deductions, quarterly estimated tax and more. 


Step 5: Tax-ready reports

Our team will issue reports on a quarterly basis, and at the end of the year you'll have the peace of mind that your financial records are tax-ready. 
Whether you're working with your own tax accountant or our tax team, you'll have the reports you need to file. 

If you're anything like most therapist-gone-entrepreneurs, you've probably made some financial mistakes in your practice. 


If you're anything like some of the clients our team has worked with, maybe you've made some financial mistakes in your practice. 


DIY’ing all the pieces of your practice

Not saving

for taxes 

Poorly managing inconsistent cash flow

Stressed Man

Having no funds saved for an emergency

Not looking at the numbers

Forgetting to plan for the future: time off, retirement, vacation, etc.


All your practice bookkeeping done for you  (up to 5 bank accounts and 1 credit card)

Admission to live Q&As where you can ask an accountant questions specific to your practice. 

Access to GreenOak Accounting's industry-specific knowledge through quarterly workshops. 

Unlimited email support when bookkeeping questions come up

Opportunity for tax preparation services at year-end (additional fee)

Risk-free commitment, cancel at any time (but we promise you won’t want to!)

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Just the thought of sitting down at your computer to look at your practice numbers makes your head throb and your heart pound.

You went into private practice to help people and have more control over your schedule and your income, but you never learned how to run a business in grad school. 

You love what you do, but you don't necessarily like the financial side of being a business owner.

You're tired of feeling like you're doing this private practice thing wrong.

You wish there was a way to know that you're making good financial decisions that won't put you and your business at risk of failure.
You're working harder than ever in your private practice, and you don't have much to show for it (financially, at least).

Good news! The solo bookkeeping package will get things off your plate, while keeping you involved and growing your financial knowledge. You’ll have the security of knowing you are working with industry experts and that you have access to your financial reports at the click of a button. 



If you're a solo practice owner feeling like you're on a financial rollercoaster, working tirelessly yet barely seeing the fruits of your labor, and feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of accounting and bookkeeping, you're not alone.
Many solo practitioners find themselves in a similar boat.

We're here to guide solo practice owners like you to establish a financially sustainable business model where every session contributes to your growth and profitability.
When you sign up, you'll gain insights from our team's extensive experience, helping you make informed decisions that align with your practice's long-term financial health.

Image by Štefan Štefančík


QuickBooks Live Bookkeeping

Local Bookkeeper

GreenOak Accounting Solo Bookkeeping

Monthly Bookkeeping

We’ll review the transactions coming into QuickBooks from the bank feed and process them. We work with so many practices we will recognize the vast majority of transactions. If there’s anything we’re not sure about it will go into “Uncategorized Expenses” - you’ll get that report at the end of the quarter to provide information on those transactions.

Bank & Credit Card Reconciliations

We’ll compare your bank and credit card statements to the transactions in QuickBooks. This ensures that every transaction is captured and that your QuickBooks file matches your bank and credit card balances for fully accurate books.

Financial Reports

You’ll receive reports every quarter in a secure drive that you can access at any time. Our report packages will include a Profit & Loss, Profit & Loss Detail, Uncategorized Income/Expenses, and Balance Sheet.

Email Support

Have a question? Just send us an email! We’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

Industry Expertise in Private Practice

GreenOak Accounting is the industry leader in accounting for private practices. Our firm exclusively serves clients in the mental and behavioral health space and has extensive knowledge and experience in this specialized accounting. We truly understand the unique needs of private practices.

Proven Track Record with the Mental Health Industry

We’ve been serving therapists in private practice for nearly a decade. We’ve been leading the industry research for years on what works and what doesn’t (financially) and are constantly striving to stay at the cutting edge of what’s happening in the mental health accounting space.

Strong Reputation of Accuracy

GreenOak Accounting maintains a reputation of excellence and accuracy. Our knowledge and commitment to ethical business practices results in bookkeeping that you can feel good about! 

Quarterly Financial Workshops

We recognize that solo practice owners often want to grow their business understanding through financial knowledge - and we love teaching our clients! We’ll provide quarterly workshops to help you flex your financial muscle.

Live Q&As

Have an involved or really specific question? Join one of our live Q&A sessions to answer your questions that may need more context than an email allows.

Estimated Tax Mid-Year Calculation

Things can change quickly with a solo practice!  Don’t worry - we’ll provide you with an estimated tax mid-year calculation to help you stay ahead of your tax bill.

US Based Bookkeeper

GreenOak Accounting is headquartered in Virginia and only employs US based bookkeepers. No major time zone differences or international security considerations for you to worry about!


Tax Preparation Services

GreenOak Accounting is headquartered in Virginia and only employs US based bookkeepers. No major time zone differences or international security considerations for you to worry about!

Additional Fee

Monthly Cost




  • What is included in my package?
    Done-for-you bookkeeping, access to our team of industry-experts through email support and Q&As, quarterly trainings about financial topics so you can feel confident about the financial side of your practice. (see full list above for more detail) You can have up to 5 bank accounts and 1 credit card on this package. If you have additional accounts, we'll add a charge of $10/month per account.
  • What is the difference between GreenOak Accounting's packages compared to my local bookkeeper?
    Your local accountant is probably great at bookkeeping & accounting, but what they are missing is the industry-specific knowledge to help you move the needle on your practice. GreenOak Accounting is the industry expert in accounting for therapists in private practice, so we'll be able to help you in a way that a generalist accountant or bookkeeper just can't.
  • Will I have access to someone who can answer questions?
    Yes, you'll have access to email support and Q&As where you can ask a live question.
  • What kind of support will I receive?
    You'll have access to email support and Q&As where you can ask a live question.
  • Will I have access to an accountant if I have questions?
    Yes, you can join our live Q&A to ask questions specific to your practice.
  • What can I expect from the Q&As?
    The Q&A is a great time to get answers to specific questions that may need more context than an email allows. You'll have the opportunity to learn from the questions (and answers) of other solo practice owners just like you.
  • Will I have access to 1-on-1 calls or consultations?
    No. In order to keep our package pricing accessible, our Solo Bookkeeping package does not include 1-on-1 consultations. You will have access to our team through email support or live Q&As. If you prefer regular phone calls or meetings to go over your financial situation in detail, we encourage you to sign up for a service package that offers more support than the Solo Bookkeeping package.
  • Can't I just figure this out on my own?
    Sure, but why would you want to? Many practice owners are able to do their own bookkeeping, but we know from experience that many solo practice owners feel overwhelmed by bookkeeping and are eager to get it off their plate. It's also a great asset to your business to have a trusted advisor when questions come up.
  • Will I need to submit all my receipts?
    We will complete your bookkeeping based on the bank statements provided. You should retain all the documents, receipts and canceled checks and other records to substantiate the items of income and deductible expenses. From time to time we may ask you for the receipt for a specific transaction to verify information.
  • Will you reconcile the payments I receive from insurance to my deposits?
    No, this is considered billing and is not part of bookkeeping services.
  • Is billing included?
    No, billing is not included, and our team will not have access to your EHR/EMR. Medical billing is its own industry, and accountants do not provide medical billing. You will still have to do your own billing or engage a biller. However, we will gladly track the income deposited to your business bank account! *Please note that accounting software is not HIPAA compliant, so patient information should not be recorded in your accounting records.
  • What is the cancellation policy? Is there a minimum time commitment?
    You can cancel your subscription at any time! The cancellation will take effect at the end of the billing period in which you cancel. Due to the nature of our services, no refunds will be provided.
  • Which plan should I sign up for?
    We offer 2 options for Solo Bookkeeping: Schedule C and S Corporation. S Corporations have additional complexity, which is why our prices are slightly higher. You should sign up based on your practice's tax entity.
  • What is the refund policy?
    Due to the nature of our services, we have a strict no refund policy. However, you can discontinue services at any time. The cancellation will take effect at the end of the billing period in which you cancel.
  • What are the Terms & Conditions?
    You can find our full Terms & Conditions here.
  • How long will it take to catch up my bookkeeping?
    Our ability to catch up your bookkeeping depends largely on our ability to get all the information we need from you. The sooner you are able to get us the requested documents and answer our questions, the faster your catch up project will be completed (typically this takes +- 2 weeks from the kick-off call dates)
  • How will you get access to my bank and credit card information?
    During the kick-off call, we will guide you to set up "view only" bank and credit card access. We will only accept view only access because it allows us to view all the transactions, statements, check images, etc. but does not allow for making payments or transferring funds. If you use a small bank that does not have view only capabilities we will request that you upload statements to a shared folder monthly.
  • How do I get started?
    First, subscribe to the Solo Bookkeeping package. Once your payment has processed, you'll receive instructions on setting up your Kick-Off Call within a few minutes. We suggest you schedule this 30-minute call within 1 week so we can get started!
  • What software will you use for bookkeeping?
    We exclusively use QuickBooks Online, the industry leader in small business bookkeeping and is the only tool GreenOak Accounting supports.
  • Do you only work with QuickBooks Online?
    Yes. One of the reasons we love QuickBooks Online? We believe that you, the business owner, should always own your financial data. When you work with a firm that uses their own proprietary software for bookkeeping, you won't get to keep the account if you end the relationship. We simply don't believe that's in your best interest as a business owner.
  • I already have a QuickBooks Online account, can you just use that instead of creating a new account?
    For this service package we will require a new QuickBooks Online account (we'll even pass on our wholesale discount!). Once you download the reports from your previous account you'll be able to cancel the subscription.
  • Does QuickBooks sync with my EHR/EMR?
    No, QuickBooks Online and most other accounting softwares are NOT HIPAA compliant. We do not recommend entering any PHI in QuickBooks Online.
  • What happens to my QuickBooks Online account if I discontinue services?
    The account (and the data in it) is yours to keep! We'll simply transfer the account billing to you, and you can continue to use QuickBooks Online if you wish.
  • Will I be able to use GreenOak Accounting for tax preparation?
    Yes, tax preparation is available at an additional fee. This service requires a signed Tax Preparation agreement.
  • Is tax preparation included?
    Tax preparation is not included in the Solo Bookkeeping package, but it is available as an add-on service based on availability. This service requires a signed Tax Preparation agreement and you must be a Solo Bookkeeping client on December 31 in order to be eligible for tax preparation services.
  • Who will I be working with? Will I work with the same people every month?
    You'll have access to a team of accountants and bookkeepers that specialize in working with solo therapists in private practice. The team shares the responsibility for answering emails, hosting Q&As and providing training.
  • Where are the bookkeepers located?
    Our team is 100% US-based and most of the team is virtual. Our headquarters are in Virginia, just outside of Washington DC and our team lives and works from coast to coast.
  • Will this service be helpful to me if I'm just starting my practice?
    Absolutely! In most cases it makes sense to sign up once your practice is open for business and you have started earning income.
  • I'm planning to start a group practice, is Solo Bookkeeping right for me?
    As the name implies, our Solo Bookkeeping package is for solo practice owners only. Once you hire, we'll be happy to suggest a package that's a good fit for the needs of a group practice. However, you will no longer be eligible for the Solo Bookkeeping package or pricing.


You have two options:

Continue to spend more time and energy trying to do your bookkeeping on your own...

Or, work with a team of industry experts and get some precious hours back each month.

Imagine where you could be just one month from now.

You're ready to have solid financial reports. You're ready to make data-driven decisions.
You're ready to stop guessing.
You're ready to start running your solo practice like a real business.

You're ready for financial stability and peace of mind.
You're ready for GreenOak Accounting!

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